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A Look into the Future: Will You Be the Next Apple, Netflix, or Google?

By adopting AI-driven customs declaration systems, you can transform customs operations, enhance efficiency & streamline the customs declaration workflow to avoid the fate of companies like Kodak & Nokia.

Christoph Neut
Christoph Neut

Sep 12, 2024

What do Kodak, Nokia, Yahoo, BlackBerry, Blockbuster, and many other once-thriving companies have in common? Firstly, they were global market leaders at the height of their success. Secondly, their current situations are far less enviable. Some are out of business entirely, while others play only a modest role in today’s market.


So, what went wrong?

These companies were not merely outpaced by their competitors—they missed critical opportunities to innovate. They clung to outdated business models, underestimated emerging technologies, or were slow to adapt to market shifts that would redefine their industries.

By the time they realised they had missed the boat, it was too late to catch up and adapt. Their disruptive competitors had already seized the markets they once dominated.

Adopting new technology such as AI, and consequently transforming your way of working, takes time. It’s not just about the technology itself; it’s also about your organisational culture, your ways of working, and most importantly, your people.

Apple standing above the old nokia phone and camera industrial look

Is AI mature enough to transform Customs operations today?

Imagine being part of a tender process where your competitor offers a superior service at half the price. This scenario is becoming a reality in the world of customs administration services.

It is our strong belief that customs departments that adopt a ‘wait and see’ strategy to adopt AI risk following the same path as former giants like Nokia and Kodak. Customs departments, who are embracing AI enabled customs declarations today, will quickly generate massive efficiency improvements and are on the brink of redefining the market with innovative pricing strategies and enhanced customer experience.

At Customaite we are witnessing this shift first-hand and we are experiencing rapid growth in the volumes of customs declarations we process with AI. We are eager to help companies either become the new market leaders or, at the very least, become resilient enough to compete with first movers who are raising the bar.

Customaite graph showing evolution in our volumes over the last year

We also understand that many of you are overwhelmed with day-to-day work and might feel you lack the time to explore what your future business could look like. However, by doing nothing, you risk missing the AI boat that is not only moving but accelerating rapidly.

So, why not start by freeing up just 1 hour of your time to learn more about what the future holds and how you can be a part of it and even be a pioneer in this exciting new world.

It’s as simple as booking a demo at the bottom of this page.

And let me know if that 1 hour of your precious time was well spent?

Christoph Neut

Christoph is Customaite's CEO. With a proven track record in leadership and international business development within software development, he oversees the strategic development of Customaite across the board.


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